30 books • 7 series
Data Analytics for Smart Infrastructure
Modélisation de la causalité des accidents
Modelação da causa dos acidentes
Modelowanie przyczyn wypadków
Modellierung der Unfallverursachung
Modellare la causalità degli incidenti
Advancing Older Adults' Well-being
Digital Parenting Burdens in China (Emerald Points)
Modelling the Causation of Accidents
Theory, Strategy and Practice of Cross - border E - commerce
Video Summarization Overview (Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics and Vision)
A Transdisciplinary Lens for Bilingual Education
Chinese Cooking
Sparse Solutions of Underdetermined Linear Systems (Other Titles in Applied Mathematics)
Investigation and Assessment Technology for Typical Groundwater-contaminated Sites and Application Cases
Multiple Scattering Theory (IOP Expanding Physics)
Transcriptional Regulation of Junctional Adhesion Molecule-B in Mouse Testicular Cells
Digital Video Segmentation and Annotation in News Programs
Use of Satellite Imagery at the Pos Selim Landslide
Landscape of Resistance Urban Centralization and Decentralization Within Megalopolis Homogeneity
Robust Multimodal Cognitive Load Measurement (Human-Computer Interaction)
Performance Bounds and Suboptimal Policies for Multi-Period Investment (Foundations and Trends (R) in Optimization)
Aligned Carbon Nanotubes (NanoScience and Technology)
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