15 books • 1 series
Report On a Proposed Line of Railway From Dublin To Cashel, Being The First Division
The Bible Society
Adoniram Judson, "the Apostle of Burmah" (Classic Reprint)
Canal Navigation
Tables for Calculating the Cubic Quantity of Earth Work in the Cuttings and Embankments of Canals, Railways, and Turnpike Roads - Primary Source Editi
Duanaire Finn; The Book of the Lays of Fionn. PT. 1- Volume 28
The Progress and Present Position of Russia in the East; An Historical Summary
Duanaire Finn Volume 7; The Book of the Lays of Fionn. PT. 1-
Duanaire Finn Volume 7
Duanaire Finn
Phases of Irish History
World Power
Tables for Calculating the Cubic Quantity of Earth Work in the Cuttings and Embankments of Canals, Railways and Turnpike Roads
On the Means of Comparing the Respective Advantages of Different Lines of Railway and on the Use of
Athens (Frommer's City Guides)