May 2, 2018
Furniture and Rugs: Chippendale, Hepplewhite, and Sheraton, Mahogany and Satinwood Pieces, Oriental Rugs, Including Silk Rugs of Tabriz and Kashan Weaves, Silver and Porcelains, Several Rare Services of Imperial Russian Enamel, Fine Minton, Copeland, Dres
May 2, 2018
Oil Paintings: Including Examples by Turner, Martin, Inness, Fragiacomo, Meissonier, Chase, Harpignies, Jacque, Thaulow, Blakelock (Large Text Classic Reprint)
May 1, 2018
Oil Paintings by Distinguished Artists Including Van Dyck, Dou, Vecellio, Veronese, Lely, Reynolds, Hopfner, Lawrence, Vigee-Lebrun, Gerome, Henner, Diaz, Cazin, Constable, Alken, Pollard, Morland