24 books • 1 series
Das verzauberte Rätselbuch
From Matter to Spirit
Lettre du Lord Velford a Milord Dirton, son oncle
Les Orphelins
The Chronicles of Ghosts, Cupids, Witches, the Devil and God! Oh, and Real Live People Also!
On the Rail
Chaps & Chumps
The Romance of Brutus the Trojan, a Poem by C.D. - Primary Source Edition
Manuel National Pour La Duree de la Guerre: La Patrie Est Declaree En Danger (Histoire)
The Romance of Brutus the Trojan, a Poem by C.D
Gleanings of Truth, by the Author of 'Leaves of Knowledge' [Signed C.D.].
From Matter to Spirit; The Result of Ten Years' Experience in Spirit Manifestations, by C. D the Result of Ten Years' Experience in Spirit Manifestations, by C. D.
An Elegy on the Death of the Queen by C.D. Rector of K. in S. (1695)
Bacchanalia, Or, a Description of a Drunken Club a Poem. (1680)
A Dissuasive from Popery Sent in a Letter from A.B. to C.D. (1681)
A Letter from a Protestant of Integrity to a Principal Peer of the Realm Now Sitting in Parliament by Way of Animadversion on a Letter from a Person of Quality to the Same Peer of the Realm
Bacchanalia, Or, a Description of a Drunken Club a Poem. (1683)
A letter to the real freeholders of Scotland, upon the Bill for regulating qualifications.
A Letter to the Proprietors of East-India Stock
Deepstep Come Shining
Bleepers Monst
Bleepers High
Bleepers in Lo
Bleepers in Sp