174 books
Laws of Wisconsin Relating to Public Charities; Powers and Duties of Juvenile Courts and Matters Pertaining to the State Board of Control of Reformatory, Charitable & Penal Institutions
A Compilation of Laws Affecting the Regulation of Railroads; Published by the Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. August 1909
Fish and Game Laws of Wisconsin
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin (Volume 38)
Original Papers (Volume 6)
The Laws of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Dairy and Food Laws, and Decisions of Courts
General Acts Passed by the Legislature of Wisconsin
The Laws of Wisconsin Volume 2
Laws of the Territory of Wisconsin, Together with the Joint Resolutions and Memorials Passed by the Fifth Legislative Assembly at the Annual Session Commencing on the Fifth Day of January, and Ending on the Third Day of February
Wisconsin Tax Laws; A Compilation of the General Laws of the State Relating to the Assessment and Collection of Taxes, Including All Amendments to Date, with Explanatory Notes and Decisions
Law of Wisconsin Relating to Common Schools
General Charter Law of Wisconsin; Organization and Government of Cities Under General Law, with Appendix Containing General Provisions Relating to Municipalities Including Cities Organized Under General Law
The Code of Procedure of the State of Wisconsin; As Passed by the Legislature in 1856, and Amended in 1856 and 1857
Private and Local Acts Passed by the Legislature of Wisconsin
Acts and Resolves Passed by the Legislature of Wisconsin
Original Papers (Volume 7); Hinkley, J.W. a Narrative of Service with the Third Wisconsin Infantry. 1912
Wisconsin Insurance Laws
Reprints (Volume 2)
Statutes of the Territory of Wisconsin; Passed by the Legislative Assembly Thereof, a Session Commencing in November 1838, and at an Adjourned Session Commencing in January, 1839
Wisconsin Town Laws 1921, with Forms
Constitution of the State of Wisconsin; With a Brief History of the Admission of Wisconsin to the Union
Wisconsin Session Laws (Volume 1882)
A Compilation of Laws Affecting the Regulation of Railroads Including Street and Interurban Railways and Telegraph Companies