M.J. was one of those lucky children whose mother read to her every night, filling her imagination with the magic of brave heroes and smart heroines overcoming adversity to ensure their own happy endings. From as early as she can remember she wanted to be a writer so she could give readers that same kind of pleasure that had been given to her by the creators of those wonderful stories.

But M.J. is very practical. She knew how few struggling writers were ever published-and how few of the published could support themselves by writing alone. She also understood that the best writers had extensive life experience that made their stories rich with meaning. So she set aside her dream of becoming a writer and focused instead on working hard to get the kind of education that would lead to a good job and lots of that important life experience.

She attended Pepperdine University at Malibu, California, graduating summa cum laude with degrees in psychology and journalism. She received her MBA from St. Mary's college in Moraga, California. She held managerial positions in several corporations and traveled extensively throughout the world. The work was exciting and demanding; the people she met were intelligent and stimulating; the life experiences were invaluable.

Yet despite all the years that had passed and the outward trappings of success that had been achieved, the dream of being a writer had never left her. And no wonder. The most important message in all those wonderful books her mother had read to her as a child-and she had continued to enjoy as an adult-was that happiness meant going for your dreams. She was now ready to go for hers.

She gave up her high-powered job in the corporate world and turned her attention to writing romantic mysteries for Harlequin. But she was glad she'd waited until the timing was just right. Because to have tried to write before she could give it her best would have been a mistake.

M.J. is the winner of the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for romantic mysteries, twice winner of their Best Intrigue award and a recipient of their Reviewers Choice Award for Best Miniseries Romance. She is also a winner of B. Dalton Bookseller's top-selling intrigue award.

She lives with her wonderful husband, adorable cat and two loving dogs in a tiny community in the terrific Pacific Northwest until the winter, when they realize it isn't so terrific and relocate to sunny southern Nevada.

M.J. loves to hear from readers via her email: mjuniverse@yahoo.com