32 books • 1 series
An Account Of The Sore Throat Attended With Ulcers; A Disease Which Hath Of Late Years Appeared In This City And In Several Parts Of The Natio
An Account of the Life and Travels in the Work of the Ministry, of John Fothergill (Classic Reprint)
An Account of the Life and Travels in the Work of the Ministry, of John Fothergill (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Rules for the Preservation of Health
An account of the life and travels in the work of the ministry
My Three Inns
A Complete Collection of the Medical and Philosophical Works
Rules for the Preservation of Health; Being the Result of Many Years Practice
The Works of John Fothergill, M.D. (Volume 2)
The Works of John Fothergill, M.D. (Volume 1)
A Complete Collection of the Medical and Philosophical Works of John Fothergill
The Works of John Fothergill, M.D. (Volume 3)
The Legh of Lyme Survey 1466 Compiled by Sir Peter Legh of Lyme and Bradley
An Account of the Life and Travels in the Work of the Ministan Account of the Life and Travels in the Work of the Ministry of John Fothergill Ry of John Fothergill
A Letter from J. Fothergill, to a Friend in the Country; Relative to the Intended School, at Ackworth, in Yorkshire; With a Plan and Elevation
A Brief Account of the People Called Quakers, Their Doctrines and Discipline; Taken from a Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Lately Published at Edinburgh.
An English Freeholder's Address, to His Countrymen. ...
Explanatory Remarks on the Preface to Sydney Parkinson's Journal of a Voyage to the South-Seas. by John Fothergill, M.D. F.R.S.
A Letter from J. Fothergill, to a Friend in the Country, Relative to the Intended School, at Ackworth, in Yorkshire. with a Plan and Elevation of the Building
A Letter to a Friend in the Country, Relative to the Intended School, at Ackworth, in Yorkshire. the Second Edition, with Additions.
Considerations Relative to the North American Colonies.
A Brief Account of the People Called Quakers. Their Doctrines and Discipline; Taken from a Dictionary of the Arts and Sciences, Lately Published at Edinburgh.
Some Account of the Late Peter Collinson, Fellow of the Royal Society, ... in a Letter to a Friend
The Works of John Fothergill, M.D. ... with Some Account of His Life. by John Coakley Lettsom.