41 books • 9 series
Predators and Prey: Battle for Survival (Discovery Education: Animals)
Volcanoes: Fire from Below (Discovery Education: Earth and Space Science)
Predators and Prey: Battle for Survival
Cats of the Wild (Discovery Education: Animals)
Earth's Place in Space (Discovery Education: Earth and Space Science)
Wheels, Wings, and Motors (Discovery Education: How It Works, #2)
Dinosaur Hunters (Discovery Education: Discoveries and Inventions)
The Great Wall of China (Discovery Education Ancient Civilizations)
Discovery Education
Vanishing Ice (Discovery Education the Environment)
Ancient Egypt (Insiders Alive)
Australian Bushrangers
Dangerous Animals
Junior Adventures
Travelers and Traders
Junior Adventure Series
Up and Away
Sports for All
Maps and Our World
Achieving Nationhood
Every Body Tells a Story (Explorers)
Play Ball! (Explorers)
People from the Past (Explorers)