123 books • 1 series
The Articles Treated on in Tract 90 Reconsidered; And Their Interpretation Vindicated in a Letter to the REV. R.W. Jelf with an Appendix from Abp. Ussher on the Difference Between Ancient and Modern Addresses to Saints
The Irish Articles of Religion
Twenty Sermons Preached at Oxford Before His Majesty, and Elsewhere by the Most Reverend James Usher ... (1678)
A Discourse of the Religion Anciently Professed by the Irish and Brittish by the Most Reverend and Learned James Usher ... (1687)
Prophecys Concerning the Return of Popery Into England, Scotland and Ireland by Arch-Bishop Usher, Mr. Herbert, Dr. D. Pareus ... [et. Al.] (1682)
The Great Necessity of Unity and Peace Among All Protestants, and the Bloody Principles of the Papists Made Manifest by the Most Eminently Pious and Learned Bishop Usher ... (1688)
Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates Quibus Inserta Est Pestiferae Adversus Dei Gratiam a Pelagio Britanno in Ecclesiam Inductae Haereseos Historia (1687)
Prifannau Crefydd Gristnogawe a Llwybraidd Foddbyrr, Or, Athrawideth O Honi O Waith Jago Usher Escob Armagh; A Chyfieithiad Row. Vaughan ... (1658)
Appendix Ignatiana ... Annotationes Jacobi Vsserii Armachani. (1647)
Immanuel, Or, the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God Unfolded by James Usher ... (1670)
A French Prophecy, Or, an Admonition to the English, Concerning Their Near Approaching Danger and the Means to Escape It. Being a Prediction of a Gentleman of Quality in Languedoc (1690)
Jacobi Usserii Armachani Annalium Pars Posterior in Qua, Praeter Maccabaicam Et Novi Testamenti Historiam Imperii Romanourm Caesarum Sub C. Julio & Octaviano Ortus, Rer mque in Asi (1654)
The Principles of Christian Religion with a Large Body of Divinity, Methodically and Familiarly Handled by Way of Question and Answer, for the Use of Families
Immanuel, Or, the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God Unfolded by James Usher ... (1658)
A Body of Divinity, Or, the Sum and Substance of Christian Religion Catechistically Propounded and Explained by Way of Question and Answer
Eighteen Choice Sermons Preached in Oxford in the Time of the Wars, Before His Late Majesty of Blessed Memory ... by the Reverend Father in God James Usher ... (1662)
An Answer to a Challenge Made by a Jesuite in Ireland Wherein, the Judgment of Antiquity in the Points Questioned Is Truly Delivered, and the Novelty of the Now Romish Doctrine Plainly Discovered (1686)
Immanuel, Or, the Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God Unfolded by James Archbishop of Armagh. (1643)
Good Counsells for the Peace of Reformed Churches by Some Reverend and Learned Bishops and Other Divines; Translated Out of Latine. (1641)
A Sermon Preached Before the Commos-House [sic] of Parliament, in Saint Margarets Church at Westminster, the 18. of February. 1620. by Iames Vssher. Professor of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Dublin, in Ireland (1624)
The Reduction of Episcopacie Unto the Form of Synodical Government Received in the Ancient Church Proposed in the Year 1641 as an Expedient for the Prevention of Those Troubles Which Afterwards Did Arise about the Matter of Church-Government (1658)
Jacobi Vsserii Armachani de Romanae Ecclesiae Symbolo Apostolico Vetere Aliisque Fidei Formulis, Tum AB Occidentalibus Tum AB Orientalibus, in Prim Catechesi & Baptismo Proponi Solitis, Diatriba, Accesserunt ... Jo. Cassianus ... (1647)
A Geographicall and Historicall Disqvisition Touching the Asia Properly So Called, the Lydian Asia (Which Is the Asia So Often Mentioned in the New Testament), the Proconsular Asia, and the Asian Diocese by James Ussher. (1643)
Jacobi Usserii Armaghani Annales in Quibus, Praeter Maccabaicam Et Novi Testamenti Historiam, Imperii Romanorum Caesarum Sub C. Julio & Octaviano Ortus, Rer'umque in Asia & Aegypto Gestarum Continentur Chronicon (1654)