66 books
Truth and Innocency Vindicated and the People Called Quakers Defended in Principle and Practice, Against Invidious Attempts and Calumnies, Being a Just Examination of Two Books Against the Said People, Entituled, I. Examined by G. Whitehead ... (1699)
The True Ministers Living of the Gospel Distinguished from the False Ministers Living Upon Tithes and Forced Maintenance
A Brief Account of Some of the Late and Present Sufferings of the People Called Quakers for Meeting Together to Worship God in Spirit and Truth, Being Prosecuted by the Statute of the 22th Car. 2. Cap. I. (1680)
The Way of Life and Perfection Livingly Demonstrated in Some Serious Animadversions or Remarks and Answers Upon the Book Entituled the Middle Way of Perfection, with Indifferency Between the Orthodox and the Quaker, Herein Considered (1676)
The Case of the Suffering People of God Truly Stated and Their Innocencie Vindicated from the False Aspersions and Pretences That It May Be Unvailed, and Appear as It Is in Its Self, and the Cause for Which Gods People Suffer Made Appear (1664)
The Authority of the True Ministry in Baptizing with the Spirit, and the Idolatry of Such Men, as Are Doting about Shadows and Carnal Ordinances, and Their Ignorance of the Spirits Baptism (of Which, Water Baptism Was But a Figure) Discovered (1660)
The Divinity of Christ and Unity of the Three That Bear Record in Heaven with the Blessed End and Effects of Christ's Appearance, Coming in the Flesh, Suffering and Sacrifice for Sinners, Confessed and Vindicated, by His Followers, Called Quakers (1669)
The Case of the Quakers Concerning Oaths Defended as Evangelical in Answer to a Book, Entituled, the Case of the Quakers Relating to Oaths Stated by J.S. (1674)
Piety Promoted by Faithfulness Manifested by Several Testimonies Concerning That True Servant of God Ann Whitehead. (1686)
This Is an Epistle for the Remnant of Friends, and Chosen of God Whom He Hath Yet Preserved to Bear Their Testimony in London, to Whom, This Is a Testimony of the Dear Love, and Tender Care Which Flowes Forth, and Is Extended Towards Them (1665)
The Conscientious Cause of the Sufferers, Called Quakers Pleaded and Expostulated with Their Oppressors in This Nation of England, and Particularly in and about the City of London (1664)
The Dipper Plung'd, Or, Thomas Hicks His Feigned Dialogue Between a Christian and a Quaker, Proved, an Unchristian Forgery Consisting of Self-Contradictions, and Abuses Against the Truth, and People Called Quakers (1672)
The True Light Expelling the Foggy Mist of the Pit and the Gross Confusion and Blasphemy of the Beast, Which Is Gone Forth Against the Light of Christ and the Scripture Within, from an Old Professor, Called Francis Duke of Westminster (1660)
Christ's Lamb Defended Against Satan's Rage in a Just Vindication of the People Called Quakers ... from the Unjust Attempts of John Pennyman and Abettors, in His Malicious Book, Styled, the Quakers Unmasked (1691)
Babel's Builders Unmasking Themselves as Appears by the Following Paper from Barbadoes, (Promoted by George for His Party, and Subscribed by Eighty Two of Them.) with a Letter of G.F.'s, G.W.'s, in Answer Thereunto; And Observations Thereupon (1681)
An Antidote Against the Venome of the Snake in the Grass, Or, the Book So Stiled and the Christian People Called Quakers Vindicated from Its Most Gross Abuses in Certain Reflections Detecting the Nameless Author's Persecution Against the People (1697)
The Christianity of the People Commonly Called Quakers Vindicated from Antichristian Opposition Sincerely Tendered in Behalf of the Aforesaid People and Their Ancient Friends by Some of Them. (1690)
An Appendix, Being Some Sober and Short Animadversions Upon Certain Passages in Tho. Hick's Dialogue and Continuation of the Dialogue by Which His Unchristian Spirit Is Further Detected to the World, by George Whitehead. (1673)
Truth Tryumphing in a Suffering Time Over Deceit and Falsehood, Or, William Prynn's Book of Quakers Unmasked Clearly Detected and the Innocency of the People Vindicated from the Grosse Abuses and Injuries Done Them by Him ... / By G.W. (1664)
A Brief Treatise on the Truths Behalf in Discovery of Falshoods Which Are Dispersed Abroad in Two Papers of Richard Baxters ... the One Intituled One Sheet for the Ministry, the Other a Second Sheet for the Ministry (1658)
No Remission Without Repentance Nor Will a Bare Confession Withovt a Real Forsaking of Sin Avail to the Averting God's Heavy Visitation and Judgments from This Nation of England (1665)
Enthusiasm Above Atheism, Or, Divine Inspiration and Immediate Illumination (by God Himself) Asserted and the Children of Light Vindicated
Innocency Triumphant Over Insolency and Outrage of a Self-Condemned Apostate in Answer to Francis Bugg's Most Abusive and Scandalous Book, Falsely Stiled, New Rome Arraigned. (1693)
The Contemned Quaker and His Christian Religion Defended Against Envy & Forgery in Answer to Two Abusive Invective Pamphlets, the One Stiled Antichrist in Spirit Unmasked, the Other Railings and Slanders Detected (1692)