9 books
Western Fruit Book; A Compendious Collection of Facts from the Notes and Experience of Successful Fruit Culturists, Arranged for Practical Use in the Orchard and Garden
The Practical Farmer, Gardener and Housewife; Or, Dictionary of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Domestic Economy Including Descriptions of the Most Improved Kinds of Livestock, Their Proper Treatment, Diseases and Remedies, Together with Directions for the
The Western Farmer and Gardener; Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, Gardening, the Flower Garden, Cattle Raising, Etc
The Western Farmer and Gardener Volume 2; Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, and Rural Economy
The Western Farmer and Gardener Volume 1; Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, and Rural Economy
Hooper's Western Fruit Book; A Compendious Collection of Facts, from the Notes and Experience of Successful Fruit Culturists, Arranged for Practical Use in the Orchard and Garden
The Western Farmer and Gardener
Hooper's Western Fruit Book; A Compendious Collection of Facts, from the Notes and Experience of Successful Fruit Culturists, Arranged for
Hooper's Western Fruit Book