117 books • 14 series
Gunter Grass (1927-2015) was born in Danzig, Germany. A novelist, playwright, essayist, graphic artist, and poet, he was the author of many acclaimed books. In 1999 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He lived in Lubeck, Germany.
Novemberland: Selected Poems 1956-1993
Der Schriftsteller ALS Zeitgenosse
Cath a Llygoden (Cyfres yr Academi)
Malos Presagios
Kopfgeburten Oder Die Deutschen Sterben Aus
Ach Butt, Dein Maerchen Geht Boese Aus
The Call of the Toad
Ensayos Sobre Literatura
Headbirths, or, the Germans are Dying out
Two States
Two States--One Nation?
Show Your Tongue
Aus Dem Tagebuch Einer Schnecke
The Rat (Picador Books)
Die Blechtrommel
Danzig Trilogy
On Writing and Politics, 1967-1983
On Writing and Politics, 1967-83
Etchings and Words, 1972-1982 (Graphics & Writing, #2)
Drawings and Words, 1954-77
Graphics and Writing (Helen & Kurt Wolff Book)