Laurence Spring studied at the Universities of London and Aberystwyth. He is also a qualified archivist, and has worked for many years at the Surrey History Centre. He has researched the early seventeenth century for many years and has written on various aspects of the English Civil War and the Thirty Years War, including the armies of Sir William Waller and the Earl of Manchester. He has also written books on the Russian Army during the Napoleonic and Crimean Wars and articles for Surrey in the Great War website.##His other books for the ‘Century of the Soldier’ series, The First British Army, the army of the Duke of Buckingham, 1624-1628 (2016) The Bavarian Army, the Backbone of the Catholic League (2017) The Battle of the White Mountain and the Bohemian Revolt (2018) In the Emperor’s Service, Wallenstein’s Army, 1625-1634 (2019) and The Campaigns of Sir William Waller (2019). He also contributed the chapter, ‘For God Sake Come Home, Soldiers’ wives, 1620-1660’ to the Helion’s Home and Away, The British Experience of War, 1618-1721. The proceedings of the 2017 Helion’s Century of the Soldier Conference.