148 books
Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin Volume 1
Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin Volume 2
Contributions from the Pathological Laboratory of the University of Wisconsin (Volume 1)
The Addresses at the Inauguration of Charles Kendall Adams, LL. D. to the Presidency of the University of Wisconsin January, 17, 1893
Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin (Volume 10)
Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin (Volume 9)
War Book of the University of Wisconsin. Papers on the Causes and Issues of the War by Members of the Faculty
The Addresses at the Inauguration of Charles Kendall Adams
Commencement Exercises
University of Wisconsin Studies in Language and Literature (Volume 14-15)
Studies in Language and Literature (Volume 12)
Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin (Volume 5)
Mayor vs. Council
Bulletin, Issue 156...
Memorial Service in Honor of William Freeman Vilas; At the University of Wisconsin, Armory Hall, October the Twentieth, Nineteen Hundred and Eight
Memorial of Charles Kendall Adams, Late President of the Unversity of Wisconsin...
Directory of Officers and Students (Volume 2)
Bulletin (Volume 502)
Bulletin (Volume 649)
Bulletin (Volume 2); Philology and Literature Series
Bulletin (Volume 4)
Bulletin (Volume 299)
Bulletin (Volume 725)
Bulletin (Volume 200)