33 books
A Peace-Offring to God for the Blessings We Enioy Vnder His Maiesties Reigne with a Thanksgiuing for the Princes Safe Returne on Sunday the 5. of October. 1623. in a Sermon Preached at Manitree in Essex (1624)
Magnetis Reductorium Theologicum Tropologicum in Quo Ejus Novvs Vervs Et Svpremvs Vsvs Indicatvr. (1637)
The Life of Faith by Samuel Ward ... (1621)
The Life of Faith. by Samuel Vvard Preacher of Ipswich (1625)
A Coal from the Altar, to Kindle the Holy Fire of Zeale
A Modern System of Natural History
Lyrical Recreations
Living Faith