59 books
Reports of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of 1821 Assembled for the Purpose of Amending the Constitution of the State of New York; Containing All the Official Documents Relating to the Subject, and Other Valuable Matter
Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York, 1915; Begun and Held at the Capitol in the City of Albany on Tuesday the Sixth Day of April
Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York, Begun and Held at the Capitol, in the City of Albany, on Tuesday, the Eighth Day of
New York Convention Manual Prepared in Pursuance of Chapters 194 and 458, of the Laws of 1867
Documents of the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York, 1915, Begun and Held at the Capitol in the City of Albany on Tuesday the Sixth Day of April
The Votes and Speeches of Martin Van Buren, on the Subjects of the Right of Suffrage, the Qualifications of Coloured Persons to Vote, and the Appointment or Election of Justices of the Peace. in the Convention of the State of New York, (Assembled to Amend
New York Convention Manual; Prepared in Pursuance of Chapters 194 and 458, of the Laws of 1867, Under the Direction of Francis C. Barlow,
Manual for the Use of the Convention to Revise the Constitution of the State of New York, Convened at Albany, June 1, 1846. Prepared Pursuant
Revision Documents of the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York, 1867-'68
New York Constitutional Convention Index; A Complete Record of All Proposed Amendments Introduced in the Convention Beginning April 6, 1915
Documents of the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York, 1915 Begun and Held at the Capitol in the City of Albany on Tuesday the