Robert Eastwood lives in San Ramon, California. He has had many jobs: a soda jerk, a turret lathe operator, a construction laborer, a gardener, a soldier, a telephone craftsman, a manager, an engineer, a statistician, a labor contract negotiator, a business executive, and a high school English teacher. Throughout his life he has written poems and stories as an alternative but persistent calling. His prize-winning poems have appeared in many literary journals and anthologies, and he is the author of three previous chapbooks Over Plainsong, The Welkin Gate, and Night of the Moth, published by Small Poetry Press. He has twice been nominated for the Pushcart Prize.
May 1, 2021
Cover of Cantata Angeleno

Cantata Angeleno

Aug 21, 2018
Cover of Romer


Sep 1, 2016
Cover of Snare
