73 books
Diogena; Roman, Von Iduna Grafin H .. H.
Pergamos, Seine Geschichte Und Monumente
Die Europamuden; Modernes Lebensbild (2 )
Coutumes de Beauvaisis; Texte Critique Publie Avec Une Introduction, Un Glossaire Et Une Table Analytique (1 )
Reine Des Bois
Memoires (19)
Biographie Universelle, Ancienne Et Moderne, Etc (45 )
Histoire de Touraine; Depuis La Conquete Des Gaules Par Les Romains, Jusqu'a L'Annee 1790 (4 )
Neue Briefe
Beschreibung Eines Einfachen Reisebarometers
Nan-Tchao Ye-Che; Histoire Particuliere Du Nantchao
Histoire de La Machine a Vapeur (2 )
Leipziger Zeitung
Report of Select Committee on Appropriations for Employees Engaged in the Detection and Prevention of Fraud in and Depredations Upon the Public Service, Appointed Under House Resolution No. 480; With Testimony
Reclassification of Salaries; Joint Hearings Before the Committees on Civil Service, Congress of the United States, Sixty-Seventh Congress, First Session, Relative to the Reclassification of Salaries. May 17 to June 16, 1921
Charges of L. R. Glavis to President
Cunningham Coal Entries Volume 10
Hearings Before Committee Volume 6
Hearings Before Committee Volume 4
Hearings Before Committee Volume 8
Investigation of the Department of the Interior and of the Bureau of Forestry Volume 11-13; In Thirteen Volumes
Investigation of the Department of the Interior and of the Bureau of Forestry Volume 5; Hearings Held Before the Joint Committee of Congress Relative to the Investigation of the Department of the Interior and Its Several Bureaus, Officers, and Employees,
Hearings Before Committee Volume 7
Investigation of the Department of the Interior and of the Bureau of Forestry Volume 7; Hearings Held Before the Joint Committee of Congress Relative to the Investigation of the Department of the Interior and Its Several Bureaus, Officers, and Employees,