6 books
Memoriam of Rev. Charles Clinton Beatty, D.D., LL. D., of Steubenville, Ohio
Memoriam of REV. Charles Clinton Beatty, D.D., LL.D. of Steubenville. Ohio Born January 4, 1800, Died October 30, 1882, and of His Wife, Mrs. Hetty El
Equity in Pennsylvania
Memoriam of REV. Charles Clinton Beatty, D.D., LL.D. of Steubenville. Ohio Born January 4, 1800, Died October 30, 1882, and of His Wife, Mrs. Hetty Elizabeth Beatty, Born October 31, 1802, Died July 5, 1876
Centennial Celebration Commemorative of the Settlement of the REV. Thaddeus Dodd as Pasor of the Presbyterian Church of Ten Mile in September, 1779
The Life and Times of Senator James Ross