A creative genius of illustrative arts, Seymour Chwast is a founding partner of the celebrated Push Pin Studios (now Pushpin Group). His work has been featured in the New York Times, The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, Vanity Fair, and The Atlanticamong many others. Chwast illustrated the highly regarded book Harry's Bath (2005) and series of graphic novel adaptations of major classic works with Bloomsbury Press including Dante's Inferno (2010), Canterbury Tales (2011), and the Odyssey( 2012). Chwast has recently published a book of posters from Schiffer Publishing and has an upcoming accompanying exhibition at the Poster House Museum (Fall 2021). He maintains an active presence in the graphic arts and illustrators community, and he continues to have his work displayed in museums such as the MoMA, the Brooklyn Museum, San Francisco MoMA, Galerie Pompidou (Paris), Musee des Arts D'coratifs (Louvre), among others.