D. B. Jackson is the award-winning author of They Rode Good Horses, Unbroke Horses, and Small Moving Parts, as well as several short stories published by High Hill Press, La Frontera Publishing, and others. His screenplays include the television series adaptation of They Rode Good Horses, the feature film adaptation of Unbroke Horses, and a feature film entitled Half Past Nine, inspired by the short story, Last of the Cowboys. His television regular series original screenplays include an international political drama set in Las Vegas, Washington, DC, and Kazakhstan, as well as an action/sci-fi thriller set in Los Angeles. Jackson's first two novels were recognized by the literary community with the following awards: the Western Heritage Wrangler Award, Will Rogers Medallion Gold Medal (twice), Laramie Award (twice), Laramie Grand Prize, Eric Hoffer Award, Peacemaker Award, and the ReadWest Excellence in Western Literature honor.