311 books
Dad a son's first hero A daughter's first love
My Dad Smooth As A Double Malt Whiskey Strong As A Bourbon Aged To Perfection
Spread love as thick as you would peanut butter
Kiss me baby
Santa's promoting me to big brother
My heart is on that court
Fall in love
Life doesn't come with a manual It comes with a mother
You are my one and only
Cold hands warm heart
This cave belongs to Daddy Bear
I know a super hero His name is Dad
My heart beats for you
love you mom
Add more lipstick and attack
Peace love joy
Best mom ever
Christmas with My Gnomies
all I want for Christmas is you wine
Daddy of the year
all I want for Christmas my beagle
He holds our hands We hold his heart
This dad rocks
this guy is going to be a cool dad