Stefan began teaching math and science in New York City middle schools. He also taught math at the University of Oregon, Southeast Missouri State University, and York County Technical College. Currently, Stefan is a member of the mathematics faculty at Clackamas Community College where he has found a niche, delighting in the CCC faculty, staff, and students. Stefans own education includes the University of Michigan (BGS, 1988), Brooklyn College (CUNY), and the University of Oregon (MS, 1996).

Stefan is currently serving on the AMATYC Executive Board as the organizations Northwest Vice President. He has also been involved with ORMATYC, NEMATYC, NCTM, and the State of Oregon Math Chairs group, as well as other local organizations. He has applied his knowledge of math to various fi elds, using statistics, technology, and web design. More personally, Stefan and his wife, Peggy, try to spend time enjoying the wonders of Oregon and the Pacifi c Northwest. Their activities include scuba diving, self-defense training, and hiking.

Jan 16, 2007
Cover of Beginning Algebra

Beginning Algebra