Phil Carradice is a novelist, historian, poet and broadcaster from Wales. Born and brought up in Pembrokeshire, he now lives outside Cardiff, where he regularly broadcasts for the BBC. Formerly a teacher and headteacher, he was educated at Cardiff University and Cardiff College of Education but now concentrates on life as a full-time writer. He lectures and runs creative writing courses for children and adults.

He has a passion for history as an interest and a learning device. 'History books,' he says, 'are meant to be enjoyed. They are not the preserve of the privileged few.' He has published well over 80 books, ranging from poetry and novels to biography and works of history. He firmly believes in making history accessible to everyone, not just academics. His most recent books are Assassinations that Shaped the Ancient World, The Greatest Spy Writers of the 20th Century and Women of the Jacobite Rebellions , all for Pen and Sword.