43 books • 6 series
Adios a Mama
Adios a Mama: (De La Habana a Nueva York)
The Assault
The Doorman
Before Night Falls (Penguin Vitae)
Old Rosa
La Loma Del Angel (Coleccion Caniqui)
Arenas Reinaldo : Palace of the White Skunks
Antes Que Anochezca (Biblioteca Reinaldo Arenas)
The Doorman / Tr. from Spanish by Dolores M.Koch.
Palace of the White Skunks
Arturo, La Estrella Mas Brillante (VISIO Tundali/Contemporaneos, #51)
The Ill-Fated Peregrinations of Fray Servando
Graveyard of the Angels
Lazarillo de Tormes
Farewell to the Sea
El Central
El Mundo Alucinante