108 books • 21 series
International Poultry Standards
The Carrier Pigeon (International Pigeon Library) (Pigeons & Doves)
Cost and Management Accountancy for Students (Information Technology & Accountancy S.)
Lories in Aviculture (Parrot Library S.)
Roller and Tumbler Pigeons and Pigeon Management (International Pigeon Library)
Advanced Costing and Management Accountancy
Breeds of Poultry and Their Characteristics (International Poultry Library)
Ring-necked Parrakeets and Family
Old and Rare Breeds of Poultry (International Poultry Library)
Poultry Keeping for the Community
Welsummer Fowl (International Poultry Library)
Rhode Island Red (Breed Books Canine Library)
Breeds of Poultry (Breed of poultry)
Understanding Old English Game (National Poultry Library) (International Poultry Standards) (International Poultry Library)
True Bantams (National Poultry Library)
Cost Accounting (Information Technology & Accountancy Library)
Hamburgh Poultry Breeds (National Poultry Library)
Poultry Table Birds (International Poultry Library)
Poultry for Beginners (National Poultry Library)
Business Administration and Management (Information Technology & Accountancy Library)
Standard Costing (Information Technology & Accountancy Library)
The Polish Breed of Poultry (National Poultry Library)
Accountancy for Managers (Information Technology & Accountancy Library)
Lewis Wright and His Poultry