71 books • 16 series
The First Book of Time
The First Book of Ships
Take Shapes, Lines, and Letters; New Horizons in Mathematics
Going up, the Story of Vertical Transportation
Making the Movies (Classic Reprint)
Making the Movies
Herodotus and the Road to History
Archimedes and the Door of Science
Galen and the Gateway to Medicine (Living History Library (Prebound))
Egyptian Tombs (A First book)
Along Came Galileo
Markets (First Books--Examining the Past, #50)
Caves] (Redfeather Book)
Eureka! It's A T.V., Trd PB
Tombs of the Ancient Americas (A Franklin Watts library edition)
Eureka! It's Television (Inventing)
Eureka! It's a Telephone
Comets and Meteors (Spacewatch S.)
Artificial Satellites: Helpers in Space (Spacewatch S.)
Eureka! It's an Airplane (PB)
Eureka! It's an Airplane (Inventing)
Eureka! It's an Automobile (PB
Eureka! It's an Automobile
Exploring an Ocean Tide Pool (Redfeather Book)