246 books • 2 series
I Lift So I Don't Choke People
Motocross Notebook
I don't sweat, I sparkle
Banging weights and slamming plates
Be stronger than your excuse
Doubt me, hate me, you're the inspiration I need
My muscles are hungover
Ain't nobody got time for fat!
Fit and fab!
And she lifted happily ever after
I like to run, and by run I mean-take naps
If being sarcastic burned tons of calories, I'd be one skinny btch
Excuses don't burn calories!
Don't train to be skinny. Train to be a badass!
I bend so I don't break
On good days, work out
Good things come to those who sweat
Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable
That's why they call it weight
The only running I do is running out of money!
I ate healthy and exercised today
Going to the gym is the best drug for me
Anyone need a ticket to my gun show?
A bad day can be made better by going to the gym