120 books
Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society Volume 9
Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society (Yr. 1898-1905)
Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society (Volume 6)
Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society (V.8-10)
Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society (Volume 11)
Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society (Volume 12)
Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society (Volume 8)
Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey (V.32)
Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey (V.31)
Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey (V.33)
Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey (V.37)
Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey (V.35)
Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey (V.36)
Documents Relating to the Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey (V.5)
Documents Relating to the Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey Volume 1
Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey Volume 16
Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey Volume 15
Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey Volume 20
Extracts from American Newspapers Relation to New Jersey (Volume 25)
Documents Relating to the Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey
Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Founding of the New Jersey Historical Society, at Newark, N. J., May 16, 1895
Members of the New Jersey Historical Society
Constitution and By-Laws of the New Jersey Historical Society
Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New