Adrianne Lee is a Seattle area native. She grew up in Kent, Washington, and raised her three daughters in Maple Valley. She presently lives in Sequim with Larry, her sweetheart of 38 years. Her mother was a strong influence on her choice of writing material; she's an avid mystery reader and introduced Adrianne to Agatha Christie. Adrianne read every mystery she could get her hands on for years, then she began reading Phyllis A. Whitney, and one day discovered Kathleen E. Woodiwiss.

She met her first critique group in a writing class when she turned 40. The other women were all writing romance novels while she was writing a mystery. It was only natural that she would one day combine the two. Seven years after trying, she sold her first book. Two years later, she sold her third book to Harlequin Intrigue. Now Adrianne has introduced her mother to Harlequin Intrigues.

Currently, she has sold 11 books to Harlequin Intrigue. Number nine, Little Boy Lost, will be released this August. Last November, she had a sexy/humorous novella in the anthology Naughty, Naughty published by St. Martin's Press. She is currently working on two more Intrigues which will be released next year.

Contact via email at: or write to: Adrianne Lee, P.O. Box 3835, Sequim, WA 98382 (include SASE if you'd like a reply or newsletter.)