194 books
Bible History for the Least and the Lowest (Volume 3)
Bible History for the Least and the Lowest (Volume 5)
Ancient Egypt, Its Monuments and History
Curiosities of Egypt
The Life of John Knox, the Scottish Reformer
The Teacher's Assistant in the Use of the Fourth Volume of Union Questions
Bible History for the Least and the Lowest (Volume 4)
Henry Morris; Or, Living for an Object
Memoir of Florence Kidder, Who Died in Medford, (Mass.) April, 1832, Aged Eleven Years
A Summary of Biblical Antiquities
People's Commentary on the Gospel According to John
A Geography of the Bible
Conversations on Prayer
William Herbert or Religion at School
Memoirs of Martha Laurens Ramsay, Who Died in Charleston, S. C., on the 10th of June, 1811, in the 52d Year of Her Age
The Two Carpenters or the Fruits of Sloth and Thrift Illustrated
The Pink Slippers
The West India Boys
Self Denial
The Prodigal Son
Reuben Kent at School
Tom Tracy of Brier Hill
A Summary of Biblical Antiquities; For the Use of Schools, Bible-Classes and Families
Natural History, for Infant Schools