119 books
The Regimental Records of the British Army
Anonymous Plays
The Choise of Valentines
Impatient Poverty, 1560
Merry Songs and Ballads, Prior to the Year 1800 Volume 3
Merry Songs And Ballads, Prior To The Year 1800 - Volume IV
Merry Songs And Ballads, Prior To The Year 1800 - Volume I
Merry Songs And Ballads, Prior To The Year 1800 - Volume III
Merry Songs And Ballads, Prior To The Year 1800 - Volume V
The Regimental Records of the British Army; A Historical Re Sume Chronologically Arranged of Titles, Campaigns, Honours, Uniforms, Facings,
The Dramatic Writings of Richard Wever and Thomas Ingelend
The Public School Word-Book
The Spider and the Fly
'Twixt Two Worlds; A Narrative of the Life and Work of William Eglinton
Recently Recovered Lost Tudor Plays, with Some Others, Comprising Mankind, Nature, Wit and Science, Respublica, Wealth and Health, Impatient
A Dsctionary of Slang and Colloquial English Slang and Its Analogues
The Dramatic Writings of Richard Wever and Thomas Ingelend; Comprising Lusty Juventus--Disobedient Child--Nice Wanton--Note-Book and Word-List
Five Anonymous Plays. Fourth Series, Comprising; Appius and Virginia, the Marriage of Wit and Science, Grim the Collier of Croydon, Common
Merry Songs and Ballads, Prior to the Year A.D. 1800 Volume 5
Six Anomymous Plays. First Series, C. 1510-1537 Comprising (Volume 1); Four Elements, the Beauty and Good Properties of Women, Usually Known as
Merry Songs and Ballads, Prior to the Year A.D. 1800 Volume 4
Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present. a Dictionary, Historical and Comparative of the Heterodox Speech of All Classes of Society for More
Merry Songs and Ballads, Prior to the Year A.D. 1800 Volume 3
The Honest Lawyer