David A. Kelly is an established children's book author, travel writer, and technology analyst.

After years of working with technology companies, David starting writing travel stories for the Boston Globe, the New York Times, and many other newspapers. When he became too busy playing baseball with his two sons to travel, he started writing children's books. His first book, Babe Ruth and the Baseball Curse, tells the true story of Babe Ruth and the curse of the Bambino. His Ballpark Mysteries series of chapter books follows cousins Mike and Kate to different major league ballparks to solve a mystery.Miracle Mud is his first picture book. It's a good bet that his next book might be baseball-related as well! 

David lives 15 minutes from Boston's Fenway Park in Newton, Massachusetts with his wife Alice, two sons, Steven and Scott, and a dog named Samantha. For more information, visit David's webpage – www.davidakelly.com or his Ballpark Mysteries website – www.ballparkmysteries.com.