30 books • 2 series
Understanding China's Provinces (Understanding China's Provinces, #5)
China's Provinces in Transition
Bio-invasion and Border Control
China's New Military Leadership
Flying Across Nations
The Trans-Pacific Partnership
How the Chinese army matters to the US
Studies in Chinese Entrepreneurs 11
Understanding Tibet (Boston Development Studies 12)
Understanding Tibet (Boston Development Studies 13)
Understanding Egypt
Understanding Tibet (Boston Development Studies10) (Queer Film Classics)
How the U.S. Debts Sustain (Oxford Strategic Studies 14)
Understanding Syria
Understanding Tibet (Boston Development Studies 11)
Educational Development in China
How the World Trade Organization Works
The Selected Works of Guo Changlei
Recent Developments in China's Health Care
Agricultural Management in China
China's Environmental Policy
China Energy Development Report
China's Marine Laws
China's Environmental Law