Joe Kelly broke into Marvel in 1997, adding his own style of irreverence to Deadpool and turning the title into a cult sensation. After runs on Daredevil and X-Men, Kelly departed for DC Comics, where he delivered award-winning work on Action Comics and Superboy. He subsequently returned to Marvel, collaborating with the “Spider-Man Brain Trust” and penning several memorable arcs on Amazing Spider-Man. Kelly combined the two Marvel characters with which he is most closely associated in the riotous team-up series Spider-Man/Deadpool. Along with several fellow comic creators, Kelly established Man of Action, the studio that has produced the Ben 10 animated series.

Artist Pepe Larraz penciled Spider-Island: The Amazing Spider-Girl and pitted ’90s rivals against each other in Deadpool vs. X-Force. Larraz worked on titles including Wolverine & the X-Men, Uncanny Avengers, Avengers and the Star Wars: Kanan before proving himself among the industry’s finest talents with House of X. His thrilling artwork made him the ideal illustrator for the blockbuster 2021 relaunch of X-Men with writer Gerry Duggan.

John Romita Jr. is a modern-day comic-art master, following in his legendary father’s footsteps. Timeless runs on Iron Man, Uncanny X-Men, Amazing Spider-Man and Daredevil established him as his own man artistically, and his work on Wolverine and World War Hulk is among the most explosive comic art of the 21st century. In addition to Eternals with writer Neil Gaiman, JRJR teamed with Mark Millar on the creator-owned Kick-Ass, later developed into a blockbuster feature film starring Nicolas Cage. Spidey fans rejoiced at the artist’s return to Amazing Spider-Man with the “Brand New Day” storylines “New Ways To Die” and “Character Assassination.” He later helped relaunch Avengers with writer Brian Michael Bendis and Captain America with Rick Remender, and contributed to the blockbuster crossover Avengers vs. X-Men. For DC Comics, he drew big-name characters such as Superman, Batman and the Suicide Squad before making a welcome return home to Marvel and Amazing Spider-Man.