272 books
Protecting our employees
Evaluating the progress and identifying obstacles in improving the federal government's security clearance process
Focus on fusion centers
Improving financial and business management at the Department of Defense
Inspiring students to federal service
Border security
Improving federal employment of people with disabilities
Assessing telework policies and initiatives in the federal government
Cutting the federal government's energy bill
Security on America's college campuses
Nomination of James A. Williams
Management challenges facing the Federal Protective Service
Great expectations
Major disaster recovery
From strategy to implementation
The New Madrid Seismic Zone
Counternarcotics contracts in Latin America
The diplomat's shield
Host communities
The cost effectiveness of procuring weapon systems in excess of requirements
Lessons learned
Improving the ability of inspectors general to detect, prevent, and prosecute contracting fraud
FEMA's project worksheets
The impact of the economic crisis on the U.S. Postal Service