220 books • 7 series
The End of the Game (the Destroyer)
Death Sentence (the Destroyer)
Rain of Terror (the Destroyer)
Survival Course (the Destroyer)
Walking Wounded (the Destroyer)
The Arms of Kali (the Destroyer)
High Priestess (the Destroyer)
Assassin's Playoff
Encounter Group (the Destroyer, #56)
Shock Value (Destoyer, #51) (the Destroyer)
Last Drop (the Destroyer, #54)
Date with Death (the Destroyer, #57)
Master's Challenge (the Destroyer, #55)
Timber Line (the Destroyer, #42)
Killing Time (the Destroyer, #50)
Destroyer 105- Scorched Earth
The Best of the Destroyer
Identity Crisis (the Destroyer)
Political Pressure (the Destroyer)
Bloody Tourists (the Destroyer)
Troubled Waters (Destroyer (Books), #133) (the Destroyer)
Wolf's Bane (Destroyer (Books), #132) (the Destroyer)
Waste Not, Want Not (Destroyer #130) (Destroyer (Books), #130)
Save Safari (Destroyer (Books), #12)