148 books
The Department of Homeland Security's R & D budget priorities for fiscal year 2009
Encouraging the participation of female students in STEM fields
Passenger screening R&D
Energizing Houston
Reform in K-12 STEM education
Strengthening NASA's technology development programs
The role of non-governmental organizations and universities in international science and technology cooperation
Mitigating the impact of volcanic ash clouds on aviation
Building a science of economics for the real world
NASA at 50
Options and opportunities for onsite renewable energy integration
Next generation border and maritime security technologies
Averting the storm
Deepwater drilling technology, research, and development
Cybersecurity activities at NIST's Information Technology Laboratory
The National Science Foundation's fiscal year 2011 budget request
Competitiveness and innovation on the Committee's 50th anniversary with Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft
An overview of the federal research and development budget for fiscal year 2010
Developing research priorities at DHS's Science and Technology Directorate
Funding for America COMPETES Act in the fiscal year 2009 administration budget request
STEM education before high school
Coordination of international science partnerships
Behind the scenes
Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Act of 2008