43 books • 2 series
The Icelandic Voyage
Technological and Managerial Strategies for Next Generation Transformation
Aeklavya, 'I'm Your Shadow'
The U.S.-India Relationship: Strategic Partnership or Complementary Interests?
Variation-Aware Design of Custom Integrated Circuits: A Hands-on Field Guide
Design of Fast, Low Power 16-bit Multiplier using Vedic Mathematics
Global Security Watch-India (Praeger Security International) (Global Security Watch)
Novel Approaches to Fiber Formation from Hydrogen Bond Forming Polymers
Nanoscale and Bulk Temperature Measurements in RF Heated Nanoparticle Systems
Photojojo: Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideas
Theory of Automata and Formal Languages
Indian Management -Thought and Practice
Route to Customer Satisfaction is Through Employees
Koha 3 Library Management System
Magic with HTML, DHTML & Javascript
The U.S.-India Relationship
West Vs. South?: Security Challenges of the New Millennium
Building an Arsenal