Christopher Hampton was born in the Azores in 1946. As a chi ld he travelled around Aden, Egypt and Zanzibar. He was educated at Lancing College and in 1966 he went to New College, Oxford to study German and French, graduating in 1969 with a First Class degree. He wrote his first play, When Did You Last See Your Mother?, at the age of eighteen. It was first performed by Oxford undergraduates and subsequently moved to the Royal Court in June 1966. Since then, Christopher Hampton has worked on numerous original plays, adaptations and translations in the theatre, television and cinema. Hampton's plays are published by Faber in its Contemporary Classics series.
Sep 19, 2019
Cover of Youth Without God

Youth Without God

Apr 18, 2019
Cover of A German Life

A German Life

Jun 7, 2018
Cover of Tartuffe


Jul 27, 2017
Cover of Ninja Academia

Ninja Academia

Dec 19, 2013
Cover of Stephen Ward

Stephen Ward

Sep 18, 2013
Cover of What Remains

What Remains

Oct 18, 2012
Cover of Appomattox


Dec 1, 2009
Cover of The Seagull

The Seagull

Oct 18, 2007
Cover of Atonement


Feb 16, 2006
Cover of Embers


Oct 6, 2005
Cover of Border Crossings

Border Crossings

Dec 16, 2002
Cover of The Talking Cure

The Talking Cure