38 books
The Saw in History
Tredway Hardware Co. Dubuque, Iowa
The James Swan Company's Premium Mechanics' Tools
Catalog Excerpts of Early American Blacksmith Forges & Tools
Maydole Hammer Publication Reprint Collection
Champion Blower & Forge Co. Lancaster PA. USA 1907
D. R. Barton, A Glimpse of Early Edge Tools in Rochester NY
Iron City
The Red Book Manual Training ORR & LOCKETT CO. CHICAGO
The Disston Saw, Tool and File Book
1911 Henry Disston & Sons
Catalog Cuts of Early American Hand Saws
Lathes Manufactured by W. F. & John Barnes Co.
Tools for Coopers and Gaugers Produce Triers A. F. Brombacher & Co.
Crescent Wood-Working Machinery 1909
E. C. Atkins & Company Saws Saw Tools and Machine Knives No. 19 - 1923
Abridged E.C. Atkins & Company Saws, Saw Tools and Machine Knives
Disston Saws & Tools for the Farm
Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Carpenter Tools
1918 Henry Disston & Sons
Catalogue and Price List the L&i.J. White Company Edge Tools
Disston Handbook on Saws
A Beginners Guide to Bench Planes
The Union Hand Plane Pocket Inventory Workbook