40 books • 9 series
Learning and Teaching Measuring and Data Handling (Course EM236: Learning & Teaching Mathematics)
Explorations (A sense of history) (ASOH)
Encounters (A sense of history)
Anglo-Saxons (A sense of history)
Explorations and Encounters 1450 - 1550 (A sense of history)
Invaders and Settlers (Sense of History S.) (A sense of history) (A sense of history)
Modelling with Mathematics in Primary and Secondary Schools
Fostering and Sustaining Mathematics Thinking through Problem Solving
Ancient Greece (A sense of history)
Ancient Egypt (A sense of history)
Multinuclear NMR
Thinking Mathematically
The Evacuees (KNOC)
Charles I and Robert Hammond, Politics and Revolution Part 1: Carisbrooke Castle (Longman case studies in Tudor & Stuart history)
Charles I and Robert Hammond, Politics and Revolution 1647-49 Part 1: Trial and Execution (Longman case studies in Tudor & Stuart history)
Coastal Walks