Julie Kistler is a fan of romance, comedy, old movies, Sondheim musicals, Shakespeare, Stoppard plays, cats and tall, dark, handsome men like her husband of twenty-five years.

A former attorney, Julie is known among fans of romantic comedy for her fast-paced, lighthearted romps. She is happy to report that she has now written more than thirty romantic comedies for Harlequin, including books for the Harlequin American, Love & Laughter, Duets and Temptation series.

Some of her other publishing credits include a nonfiction collaboration with her husband about high school basketball called Once There Were Giants, a chapter in Naked Came the Farmer, a round-robin mystery penned by authors from the Peoria, Illinois, area, with proceeds going to the Peoria Public Library, and a very short mystery called "Kit for Cat" in the Crafty Cat Crimes collection published by Barnes & Noble.

Julie lives in Bloomington, Illinois, with her husband, where she reviews theater for two newspapers. If Julie is not out watching local theater or basketball games, she occupies herself watching Arrested Development, House, The Daily Show, and various other shows all over the cable dial, adding to her large collection of books and DVDs, and answering her email.

You can visit Julie at her web site or write to julie@juliekistler.com.