50 books • 11 series
Born in Glasgow, Jessica Stirling is the author of many heartwarming novels, most of which have Scottish backgrounds. She has enjoyed a highly successful career since THE SPOILED EARTH was published in 1974.Find out more at www.jessicastirling.com
Scholarship on Fire
Whatever Happenened to Molly Bloom?
Whatever Happenened to Molly Bloom: A Historical Murder Mystery Set in Dublin
The Constant Star (The Hooper Family Saga)
The Wayward Wife (The Hooper Family Saga)
The Last Voyage
A Corner of the Heart (The Hooper Family Saga)
The Paradise Waltz
A Kiss and a Promise
The Fields of Fortune
Blessings in Disguise
One True Love
The Captive Heart (Franklin-McCulloch Trilogy) (Franklin-Mcculloch Trilo)
The Piper's Tune Bogof
Wives at War (Windsor Selection S.)
Shamrock Green (Franklin-Mcculloch Trilo) (Franklin-McCulloch Trilogy)
Jessica Stirling Dumpbin (Aspen)
Cork Jessica Stirling 36cc Dumpbin
Sisters Three
The Strawberry Season (Windsor Selection S.)
Spoiled Earth, the
The Piper's Tune (Franklin-McCulloch Trilogy)
Hiring Fair Special Promo Ed
Blue Eveing Gone Special Promo Ed