A graduate of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, Nancy taught grade school and was a university professor of education, specializing in Children's and Young Adult Literature. She was fortunate to have lived in London with her family for a number of years.Nancy has five published picture books, including One Pelican at a Time, which was featured in a PBS documentary. Her debut YA novel, Beulah Land, received First Place in the 2015 State of Florida Rising Kite Awards, through the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. The book was a finalist in the Forward Indies Book of the Year Awards. It was also one of the most anticipated books at Barnes & Noble in 2017.A frequent speaker and presenter at writing conferences, Nancy conducts workshops, seminars, and school visits. A member of the Rate Your Story team, she critiques manuscripts for prospective authors. She, her husband, and their (adopted from the Missouri Ozarks) pup, Louie, live in Tampa, Florida.