Bruce Hale is passionate about inspiring reluctant readers to read. He has written or illustrated more than thirty seriously funny books for children, including the popular Chet Gecko Mysteries series and the comics-novel hybrid Underwhere, as well as picture books like Snoring Beauty and Moki and the Magic Surfboard. An actor and Fulbright Scholar in Storytelling, Hale is in demand as a speaker, having presented at conferences, universities, and schools across North America-from the Maui Writers Conference to the Surrey International Writers' Conference in British Columbia. His acting resume includes regional commercials, theater, and an independent film, The Ride. His book The Malted Falcon was an Edgar Award finalist, and Murder, My Tweet won the Little D Award for Humor Writing. Hale loves jazz and sings with an a cappella group called VocalPoint in Santa Barbara.

May 1, 2008
Cover of Snoring Beauty

Snoring Beauty