251 books • 13 series
Vergottert (Band #2 Der Weg Der Vampire)
Alskad (BOK #2 I the Vampire Journals)
Sorcerer's Ring Bundle (Books 1,2, and 3)
Grido D Onore (Libro #4 in L Anello Dello Stregone)
An Oath of Brothers (Sorcerer's Ring, #14)
A Dream of Mortals (Sorcerer's Ring, #15)
Resurrected (Vampire Journals, #9)
A Sea of Shields (Sorcerer's Ring, #10)
A Sky of Spells (Sorcerer's Ring, #9)
A Grant of Arms (Sorcerer's Ring, #8)
A Rite of Swords (Sorcerer's Ring, #7)
A Charge of Valor (Sorcerer's Ring, #6)
A Vow of Glory (Sorcerer's Ring, #5)
A Cry of Honor (Sorcerer's Ring, #4)
A Fate of Dragons (Sorcerer's Ring, #3)
A March of Kings (Sorcerer's Ring, #2)
Arena One: Slaverunners
Craved (Vampire Journals, #10)
A Quest of Heroes (Sorcerer's Ring, #1)
Arena Two (Book #2 of the Survival Trilogy)
Resurrected (Book #9 in the Vampire Journals)
Craved (Book #2 of the Vampire Legacy)
Resurrected (Book #1 of the Vampire Legacy)
Craved (Book #10 in the Vampire Journals)