Micky Neilson is a two-time New York Times best-selling
author whose graphic novels, Ashbringer (#2 on the list) and Pearl of Pandaria
(#3) have both been published in six languages. As one of the first writers at
Blizzard Entertainment, he has more than two decades of experience in the
cutting edge of the gaming industry. In 2016 Riverdale Avenue Press published
his memoir Lost and Found: An Autobiography About Discovering Family, available
wherever books are sold. He has also self-published three horror novels in his
original series The Turning, on Amazon. In 2017 Micky was tapped to write The
Howling: Revenge of the Werewolf Queen, a comic book continuation of the
beloved 1981 Joe Dante horror film The Howling. Also in 2017 Micky completed
the Call of Duty Field Manual, a companion book to the best-selling video game
Call of Duty World War II. Most recently, Micky has written his first original
sci-fi novel, Ridgerunners, as well as co-writing the illustrated novel Strange