63 books • 20 series
Fish and Amphibians (Discovery Channel School Science: Physical Science)
Mars (Blastoff!)
Saturn (Blastoff! S.)
Oprah Winfrey (Gateway Biographies (Paperback)) (Gateway Biographies (Hardcover))
Laura Welch Bush (Gateway Biographies ) (Gateway Biographies (Hardcover))
Toothpaste (Made in the USA)
Progressive Era and World War I (Making of America (Raintree))
Great Depression and World War II (Making of America (Raintree))
Snowboards (Made in the USA)
Teddy Bears (Made in the USA)
Rosie O'Donnell (Gateway Biographies (Hardcover)) (Gateway Biographies (Paperback))
Diana (Gateway Biographies (Hardcover))
America's Top 10 Construction Wonders (America's top 10)
The Obstetrician (Doctors in action)
Medical Causes (Celebrity Activists)