112 books • 17 series
Louanne Pig in Making the Team (Louanne Pig (Hardcover)) (Picture Puffin S.) (Louanne Pig (Paperback))
Loudmouth George and the Sixth-Grade Bully (Nancy Carlson's Neighborhood) (Picture Puffin S.) (Loudmouth George (Paperback)) (Loudmouth George (Hardcover)) (Loudmouth George Books)
Loudmouth George and the New Neighbors (Picture Puffin books) (Nancy Carlson's Neighborhood)
Loudmouth George and the Fishing Trip (Loudmouth George (Paperback)) (Picture Corgi S.) (Nancy Carlson's Neighborhood) (Picture Puffin S.)
Loudmouth George & the Big Race (Picture Corgi S.) (Picture Puffin books) (Nancy Carlson's Neighborhood) (Loudmouth George (Hardcover))
Harriet and the Roller Coaster (Picture Puffin S.) (Nancy Carlson's Neighborhood) (Harriet (Paperback)) (Harriet Books)